In the world of renewable energy, solar power holds great potential as a clean and sustainable source of electricity.
However, have you ever wondered what happens to unused generated solar power that is not immediately consumed?
In this article, I will explore the fate of unused generated solar power, examining options like energy storage, grid export, and the challenges of curtailment.
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What Happens to Unused Generated Solar Power?
Unused generated solar power can be stored in energy storage systems, such as batteries, for later use when solar production is low. Alternatively, it can be exported back to the electrical grid, where it is distributed to other consumers.
In some cases, if there are no storage or export options, the excess electricity may be curtailed or wasted. Here is a bit more detail on some things that can happen to unused generated solar power.
Energy Storage
Energy storage systems, such as batteries, are becoming more prevalent in solar power installations. These systems store excess electricity generated during the day when solar production is high.
The stored energy can then be utilized during times when solar generation is low, such as at night or during periods of inclement weather.
Energy storage helps to optimize the use of solar power by providing a consistent supply of electricity even when solar generation is intermittent.
Grid Export
When a solar power system generates more electricity than is being consumed on-site, the surplus power can be exported back to the electrical grid. This is typically facilitated through net metering or feed-in tariffs.
Net metering allows solar energy system owners to receive credits for the excess electricity they feed into the grid. These credits can be used to offset their future energy consumption when solar generation is insufficient.
Feed-in tariffs, on the other hand, involve a contractual agreement where solar power producers are paid a fixed rate for the electricity they feed into the grid. The exported solar energy is then distributed and utilized by other consumers connected to the grid.
In certain situations, particularly in areas with limited grid infrastructure or regulatory constraints, solar power systems may experience curtailment.
Curtailment occurs when there is no immediate means of utilizing or storing the excess solar electricity. In such cases, the surplus power is essentially wasted or turned off.
Curtailment is generally regarded as an inefficient outcome since it represents lost opportunities for renewable energy utilization. However, as energy storage technology advances and grid integration improves, curtailment can be minimized.
The ultimate goal is to maximize the use of generated solar power, either through on-site consumption, energy storage, or grid export, to ensure the efficient and sustainable utilization of renewable energy resources.
Why Would I Have Unused Generated Solar Power?
You may have unused generated solar power if your energy consumption is lower than the amount of electricity your solar system produces.
This can occur if your energy needs are relatively low, if you are away from home during peak solar production hours, or if your system generates more power than you require.
For starters, your solar panels may receive a lot more sunlight than usual during the summertime. Days are longer and nights are shorter, and your solar panels will continue doing their job for as long as there’s sunlight available.
Secondly, your electricity usage around the home may have changed over the years. Ask yourself this: when did you first buy your solar panels? Solar systems last for decades, and in that time, newer household appliances continue to become more energy efficient.
On top of that, you may have fewer people living at home now. With fewer people in the house, your overall power consumption drops even though your solar system generates the same amount.
- Insufficient Energy Demand: If your energy consumption is lower than the amount of solar power your system generates, there may be surplus electricity that goes unused. This can happen if you have a smaller energy load or if your solar system produces more energy than what is needed for your daily usage.
- Time of Generation: Solar power is generated during daylight hours when the sun is shining. If your energy consumption is lower during the day or if you are away from home, there may be excess solar power that is not immediately utilized.
- Seasonal Variations: Solar energy production can vary throughout the year due to changes in daylight hours, cloud cover, and the angle of the sun. If your solar system is designed to meet your energy needs during peak production periods, there may be surplus energy during other times of the year when solar generation exceeds your demand.
- System Inefficiencies: Solar power systems can experience inefficiencies due to factors such as shading, dirt on solar panels, or equipment malfunctions. These inefficiencies can result in lower overall energy production, leading to unused generated solar power.
Should I Be Worried About Excess Solar Power?
Having excess solar power is generally not a cause for worry. In fact, it can be seen as a positive aspect of your solar power system. It indicates that your system is generating more clean and renewable energy than you currently need.
Excess solar power can be stored in batteries for later use or exported to the grid, allowing you to maximize the benefits of your solar investment.
However, if you consistently have excessive solar power and it is not being utilized or compensated, it may be worth assessing your energy consumption patterns and considering adjustments to optimize the use of your solar energy.
The only thing you should ask yourself is; are you benefitting from that excess solar power? With all you’ve invested in your solar energy system, you should be benefitting from that unused generated solar power!
What Can I Do With Unused Generated Solar Power?
There are two ways you can harness unused generated solar power, by storing it in batteries, or by selling it back to your power company.
Stored in Batteries
Just in case you didn’t know, you can have a functioning solar power system at home that doesn’t involve batteries. Still, many people understand that there are plenty of benefits to including batteries in their system.
Whether you’re using an on-grid system (where you still connect your home to your local power grid) or an off-grid one (where you’re disconnected from the grid and relying only on solar), batteries are always a great idea.
For one thing, batteries allow your solar energy system to store unused generated solar power. So, for example, your batteries will store any excess energy the system captures during the day time. At night (when there’s no sunlight), you’ll continue getting a steady supply of energy thanks to those batteries.
Some people use multiple batteries formed into what’s called ‘battery banks’. These consist of several batteries all connected and can store much more unused solar energy for later use.
‘Sell’ It Back To Your Power Company
Aside from batteries, some people also sell any unused energy back to their energy companies. That’s something called ‘Net Metering’. Essentially, your home will have two electricity meters; one to measure how much power you use from the grid, and one to calculate how much your household puts back into the grid.
Whenever your solar energy system generates unused solar power, your system will transmit it back to the power grid. Other people will end up using the power that you generate, and you’ll get paid in return.
Typically, the power company will pay you in the form of credits. So, whatever excess energy you generate will be counted against the energy you consume from the grid. Overall, you’ll end up paying less money (and maybe generating a few dollars of your own) through this arrangement.
For this type of setup, two things need to happen. Firstly, you need to have an ‘on-grid’ format for your home solar energy system. Second, your local power company needs to support this type of initiative.
These days, an increasing number of local power companies are hopping on board the renewable energy train. They’ll probably have programs or initiatives targeted at people with solar energy systems at home.
So, once you’ve signed up with them, they’ll help you set up everything you need to start benefiting from the Net Metering process.
What Happens When Solar Batteries Are Full?
When solar batteries are full and can no longer store additional energy, the excess solar power generated by the solar system has to be redirected somewhere.
In any fully-equipped solar energy system, there’s a component called a solar charge controller. This device regulates how much power flows through the system and into the batteries. In doing so, it helps you to maximize the lifespans of your batteries.
The solar charge controller does this by preventing two things: over and under-charging. Overcharging will cause a battery to overheat, and reduce its overall lifespan. Undercharging is also harmful, as it’ll lead to a lack of performance from the batteries.